Well I’ve been waking up lately and checking Twitter on my iPhone… (Seeing what the Americans are saying and doing about their president).
Then I have a look at Facebook .. see what my friends are up to.. this takes awhile with a cup of tea in bed.. then I think.. “thats enough”… listen to the birds waking up.. the first shades of dawn start to lighten the room,… the ocean beach 500 Metres through the Arakwal national park like thunder in the distance..
Then I pick up my iPad and check Instagram , Pinterest, the news from various sources, a little reading of The Lions Roar eMag… another cup of tea.. Oh ! look at the time !
Up !, Ablute !, Dress !, breakfast while I check my eMail on the iMac…. Oh look at the time !
Head off to the Workshop/studio..Music blutoothed iPod to car radio.. Stop off at ATM…
Make these Semi-Self portraits with electronic Plasma cutter, TIG welder, Mig welder , Angle grinders , Drill …
You get the picture … iConnect and eVolve.
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